FortiGate IPv6 Configuration


Often you don't use IPv6, but sometime you have too and than I have to search the solution from different internet sources together to find the right solution. 
To avoid this in the feature the important commands you have to know. ;)


Basic IPv6 Config

First of all, we need to enable IPv6 via CLI (this behavior is change in FortiOS 7):
config system global
    set gui-ipv6 enable
Afterwards you get new GUI options, for example:

Basic IPv6 Interface Config

Let's take a look to the interface options. In general all IPv6 commands are in config ipv6 

Static IPv6 address

That's easy:
config system interface
    edit wan
        config ipv6
            set ip6-mode static
            set ip6-address 2001:db8:2::2/64
            set ip6-allowaccess ping
    edit lan
        config ipv6
            set ip6-mode static
            set ip6-address 2001:db8:3::1/64
            set ip6-allowaccess ping
config router static6
    edit 0
        set gateway fe80::d82:30ab:863:5b7
        set device wan
        set comment "Default Gateway IPv6"

  • static IPv6 Route Gateway: The link-local Address from the Provider Router


A bit more complicate is to get a dynamic IPv6 address from the provider. First enable the WAN interface in DHCPv6 mode to receive and dynamic IP address. 

HINT: Normally, you get an /128 address on the interface.

See the configuration example:
config system interface
    edit wan
        config ipv6
            set ip6-mode dhcp
  • ip6-mode: Tell FortiGate to take an IP address from the provider router 
IMPORTANT: If you enable delegation-prefix the WAN interface have no longer an IPv6 address from the DHCPv6 Server!

IPv6 SLAAC for Clients + Prefix Delegation

From above we get the configuration for the WAN Interface. Now it's time to configure the LAN Interface.

Enable the Prefix-delegation on the WAN site if you need a higher than /64 Subnet. Usually, the provider give you an /64 Subnet. If you need multiple /64 Subnets in your local LAN, you can tell the Provider you need a biger one - /60 or /56 depends what your provider give you. For that we need the following cofiguration on the WAN side:
config system interface
    edit wan
        config ipv6
            set ip6-mode dhcp
            set ip6-allowaccess ping
            set dhcpv6-prefix-delegation enable
            set dhcpv6-prefix-hint ::/60
  • dhcpv6-prefix-delegation: enable / disable the prefix delegation in general. This command is needed anyway.
  • dhcpv6-prefix-hint: Tell the provider how big the prefix should be. Default is /64

Next, we configure the LAN Interface:
config system interface
    edit lan
        config ipv6
            set ip6-mode delegated
            set ip6-allowaccess ping
            set ip6-send-adv enable
            set ip6-other-flag enable
            set ip6-upstream-interface wan
            set ip6-subnet ::1/64
            config ip6-delegated-prefix-list
                edit 1
                    set upstream-interface wan
                    set subnet ::/64
                    set autonomous-flag enable
                    set onlink-flag enable
                    set rdnss-service default
Let's take a look to the commands:
  • ip6-mode: Tell the Fortigate to use a delegated address from the upstream interface
  • ip6-send-adv: Activate the Router Router Advertisement (RA) on this interface 
  • ip6-other-flag: Tell the Client that they can receive more information (like DNS Server) from the DHCPv6 Server, if the client want. ;)
  • ip6-upstream-interface: From which interface take the delegated prefix
  • ip6-subnet: With that value the Fortigate build the interface IP address. Take the prefix (e.g. 2001:db8:3::/60 and add ::1 (means plus 1) to the prefix and change it to/64. The result is: 2001:db9:3::1/64 for the Interface itself.
  • ip6-delegated-prefix-list: List with the possible options for the client
  • upstream-interface: Tell from which interface comes the prefix, one time more
  • subnet: Same logic as before. Take the Prefix add the subnet portion to the prefix (in this case, I use the first /64 subnet in the /60 prefix, because of that nothing to add) and change the prefix to /64
  • autonomous-flag: With this command you tell the client, yes you can get an IPv6 over SLAAC
  • onlink-flag: The router (in this case the Fortigate) has an IP in this prefix
  • rdnss-service: Handout the system DNS Servers to Client, if the Client speak RDNSS

DNS and IPv6

With SLAAC, link-local and global addresses, IPv6 actually no longer requires a DHCP server. If it were not for the name resolution.
At the beginning of IPv6 there was no solution for this. Meanwhile there are RDNSS and DNSSL. Here is a short explanation of what these functions can do:


The RDNSS (Recursive DNS Server Search) function provides the possibility to give the end device the option for a DNS server with SLAAC.
This function is still relatively "new" and is not yet supported by all clients. A list can be found here:


You have different options to configure RDNSS on the FortiGate:

Take the configuration from the Provider:
config system interface
  edit internal
    config ipv6
      set ip6-mode delegated
      config ip6-delegated-prefix-list
        edit 1
          set rdnss-service delegated
For sure there are more options to set for the IPv6 Interface. Please refer it in the article above.

Define the RDNSS Configuration per delegation entry:
config system interface
  edit internal
    config ipv6
      set ip6-mode delegated
      config ip6-delegated-prefix-list
        edit 1
          set rdnss-service spcify
          set rdnss <IPv6 Address>
Specify the RDNS Server per delegation entry.

So far I have not found out which settings are used with this option. According to CLI Reference Guide version 6.2.8 there are no global RDNSS settings.

HINT: For the ip6-prefix-list you have the set rdnss option as well.


The DNSSL option replaces the DHCP DNS suffix list option.
With this option, the client can be informed via SLAAC which DNS suffixes are internal and the host resolution works without FQDN.


Unfortunately, this possibility exists only for the prefix-list option and is configured as follows.
config system interface
  edit internal
    config ipv6
      set ip6-mode delegated
      config ip6-prefix-list
        edit 2001:db8:3::
          set dnssl "example.local"


The main knowledge of this blog post I have compiled among others with the following websites:
Thanks for the work!


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